

This collection requires Ansible 2.10 or later. Ansible may be installed with your package manager or with Python pip. A Python virtualenv is recommended if you are installing packages with pip.

The target machines to be managed must be reachable via ssh and must have Python already installed. Ansible is not required on the target machines.


The OpenAFS Ansible Collection is available on Ansible Galaxy. Install the collection with the ansible-galaxy command:

$ ansible-galaxy collection install openafs_contrib.openafs

Use the --force option to overwrite the currently installed version to upgrade if you already have an older version of the collection installed.


Install the OpenAFS Ansible Collection from source code with the following commands:

$ cd <your-project-directory>
$ mkdir -p ansible_collections/openafs_contrib
$ cd ansible_collections/openafs_contrib
$ git clone openafs
$ cd openafs
$ make init
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ make install

The directory structure shown above is required for proper operation of the molecule unit tests and document generation.