openafs_server - OpenAFS Server Role


Install and configure OpenAFS servers. This role installs both the fileserver and the database servers, which can be installed on the same hosts or different hosts.

This role configures the system to allow OpenAFS servers operate correctly in selinux enforcing mode when installing from RPM packages.


A Kerberos realm is required before creating the OpenAFS services. This can be a pre-existing realm or can be created with the openafs_krbserver role. A service principal is required and must be exported to a keytab file. See the realm.yml example playbook.

The servers may be installed from the distribution package manager if packages are available, installed from pre-built binaries created by separate process or playbook (see the openafs_devel role and build.yml example playbook), or installed from source code from a git repository.

The names and addresses of the OpenAFS databases to setup the server CellServDB files must be provided by the afs_csdb inventory variable, or a separate yaml file, the path of which is specified by the afs_csdb_file variable.



The system security model. Should be none or selinux. When set to selinux, the selinux contexts for OpenAFS will be updated to allow the server to run with selinux enabled.

default: none


Indicates the node is a fileserver. By default, afs_is_fileserver is true when the node is a member of the afs_fileservers group.

default: check afs_fileservers group


Indicates the node is a database server. By default, afs_is_dbserver is true when the node is a member of the afs_databases group.

default: check afs_databases group


Determines the fileserver type the node is a fileserver. Valid values are fs (legacy File Server) or dafs (modern Demand Attach FileServer).

Default: dafs


Treat this play as the initial installation of the servers, in which case wait for the database servers to reach quorum before starting the fileservers. This avoids a 5 minute delay for the fileservers to retry registration with the VLDB.

Set to yes (True) to defer fileserver startup until database quorum is detected.

Set to no (False) to skip cold start checks and tasks.

Default is to detect by checking for the presence of the BosConfig file.


The list of pseudo fileserver vice partitions to be created. Pseudo partitions are directories in the root partition, with the special AlwaysAttach file to indicate they should be attached by the fileserver. This feature is intended for testing. Specify the pseudo partitions by partition id, that is a, b, etc.

default: []


Ensure the root.afs and root.cell volumes exist. The root.afs volume must exist before starting clients without the --dynroot option. Modern clients typically are started with the --dynroot option and so are able to start without the presences of the root volumes.

default: yes


A single string (or list of strings) to set the contents of the server NetInfo configuration file. This file specifies which addresses or subnetworks should be used for server communication. A specific address can be forced by specifying a f prefix.


A single string, or a list of strings, to set the contents of the server NetRestrict configuration file. This file specifies which addresses or subnetworks should be excluded from server communications.


The AFS service Kerberos keytab file. This is the file path of the keytab file on the controller, which should be protected with ansible-vault. The keytab file will be uploaded to the server nodes unless afs_service_keytab_externally_managed is true. The keys will be imported with the akeyconvert tool on servers running OpenAFS 1.8.x (or greater). The uploaded keytab file will be named rxkad.keytab for compatibility with OpenAFS 1.6.x.

default: <afs_cell_files>/afs.<afs_cell>.keytab


When true, the AFS service Kerberos keytab file is managed with an external secrets management tool.

default: false


Run the BosServer in restricted mode. This mode improves the security of the BosServer by prohibiting bos commands which are not needed for routine operation.

The following bos commands are not available when the BosServer running in restricted mode: bos exec, bos uninstall, bos install, bos create, bos delete, bos prune, and the bos getlog is limited to server log files.

default: yes


Extra bnode entries to add to BosConfig.

default: []


  - name: backup
    type: cron
    goal: 1
      - /usr/afs/backup/clones/lib/backup.csh daily
      - 05:00

The bosserver command line options.


The ptserver command line options.


The vlserver command line options.


The dafileserver command line options.


The davolserer command line options.


The salvageserver command line options.


The dasalvager command line options.


The fileserver command line options.


The volserver command line options.


The salvager command line options.