openafs_build_redhat_rpms – This module is deprecated. Use openafs_build_packages.


This module is obsolete and will be removed in a future release. Use openafs_build_packages in new playbooks.


build (optional, str, all)

Specifies which rpms to build.

all build source and binary RPMs for userspace and kernel module

source build the source RPM only

userspace build the source RPM and the userspace RPMs

modules build the source RPM and the kmod RPM

sdist (True, path, None)

The path on the remote node to the source distribution files directory on the remote node.

The sdist directory must contain the openafs-<version>-src.tar.bz2 source archive and the openafs-<version>-doc.tar.bz2 documentation archive.

The sdist directory may also contain the ChangeLog file and the RELNOTES-<version> file.

spec (optional, str, None)

The path on the remote node to a custom openafs.spec file to be used to build the rpm files. The openafs.spec file will be extracted from the source archive file when the spec option is not provided.

relnotes (optional, str, None)

The path on the remote node to a custom RELNOTES file to be included in the build.

The RELNOTES-<version> in the sdist directory will be used when the relnotes option is not specified. The NEWS file will be extracted from the source archive if the RELNOTES-<version> file is not found in the sdist directory.

changelog (optional, str, None)

The path on the remote node to a custom ChangeLog file to be included in the build.

The ChangeLog in the sdist directory will be used when the changelog option is not specified. An empty ChangeLog file will be created if the ChangeLog is not found in the sdist directory,

csdb (optional, path, None)

The path on the remote node to a custom CellServDB file to be incuded in the build.

The CellServDB file in the sdist directory will be used when the csdb option is not specified. The CellServDB file will be extracted from the source archive if the CellServDB file is not found in the sdist directory.

patchdir (optional, path, I(sdist))

The path on the remote node of the directory containing patch files to be applied.

Patch names are identified by the PatchXX directives in the spec file.

kernvers (optional, str, current kernel version)

The kernel version to be used when building the kernel module. By default, the kernel version of the running kernel will be used.

topdir (optional, path, C(~/rpmbuild))

The top level rpmbuild workspace directory on the remote node.

logdir (optional, path, I(topdir)/C(BUILD))

The path to write build log files on the remote node.

tar (optional, path, C(tar))

The tar program used to unpack the source archive.

tar_extra_options (optional, str, None)

Extra command line options to unpack the source archive.


- name: "Checkout OpenAFS source code."
    repo: ""
    version: openafs-devel-1_9_1
    dest: openafs

- name: "Build source distribution."
    topdir: openafs
    sdist: openafs/packages

- name: "Build RPM files."
    build: all
    sdist: openafs/packages
  register: build_results

Return Values

version (always, dict, )

OpenAFS and package versions extracted from the source archive.

logfiles (always, list, )

The build log files written on the remote node.

rpms (always, list, )

The list of rpm files created on the remote node.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • Michael Meffie