openafs_principal – Create principals and keytab files


Create a kerberos principal on a primary KDC using kadmin.local and export the keys to a keytab file on the KDC. The keytab may be transfered to remote nodes with synchronize or encrypted with ansible-vault then downloaded to the controller for distribution in subsequent plays. This

If the state is present, then a principal is added if it is not already present and a keyfile is created. The initial password may be specified with the password parameter, otherwise a random key is generated and a keytab file will be created.

If the state is absent, then the principal and keytab files are removed if present.

Keytabs for the principals created by the module are stored in the keytabs directory on the KDC, readable by root. The default path is /var/lib/ansible-openafs/keytabs.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • The Kerberos realm has been created.

  • kadmin.local is installed and in the PATH.


state (False, str, present)

present ensure the principal and keytab file exist.

absent ensure the principal and keytab file are removed.

principal (True, str, None)

Kerberos principal name.

The name should be provided without the REALM component.

Old kerberos 4 ‘.’ separators are automatically converted to modern ‘/’ separators.

enctypes (False, list, See C(kadmin))

Kerberos encryption and salt types.

See kadmin documenation for possible values.

acl (False, str, None)

Administrative permissions

keytab_name (optional, str, principal name with ‘/’ characters replaced by ‘.’ characters.)

Alternative keytab name.

keytabs (False, path, C(/var/lib/ansible-openafs/keytabs))

kadmin (False, path, search PATH)


- name: Create an AFS service key
  become: yes
    principal: afs/
      - aes128-cts:normal
      - aes256-cts:normal
  register: service_key

- name: Download the keytab to controller for distribution
  become: yes
    flat: yes
    src: "{{ service_key.keytab }}"
    dest: "rxkad.keytab"

# Requires an old version of Kerberos.
- name: Obsolete DES key for testing
  become: yes
    state: present
    service: afs
    principal: afs/
    enctype: des-cbc-crc:afs3

- name: Create some user principals
  become: yes
    state: present
    principal: "{{ item }}"
    password: "{{ initial_password }}"
    - alice
    - bob
    - charlie

Return Values

attributes (success, list, )

Principal attributes from get_principal

debug (always, list, )

kadmin commands executed and output

kadmin (always, path, )

kadmin executable path

keytab (success, path, )

Path of the generated keytab on the remote node.

principal (success, str, )

principal name

realm (, str, )

realm name


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • Michael Meffie